Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Who Is She?

Her eyes are like diamonds that are shiny and bright
Her hair is so soft and black as the night
Her legs are long and her body is slenderWhen you hold her close she is warm and tender
Hiding amongst the shadows so tall
Looking much closer she's not there at all
Always in trouble with her curious wayShe stays out all night and sleeps in all day
Creeps into your room and sits up on your bed
Gives gentle kisses on your nose and your head
Always expects you to open the doorThere isn't a sound as she walks on the floor
She will not come over when you call
Walks straight past as if you're not there at all
If you want to work she wants to play
Doesn't care if you forget her birthday
Is she your wife or is she your lover
Is she a friend or is she your mother
She is none of those things I can tell you that
This beautiful creature is only the cat
-Virgina Gronow


KweenEmily said...

Okay so when you read the first couple lines you think it's about a mysterious woman that the poet is very fond of right? Then you read it through and it turns out the poet is talking about a CAT!
This poet described the cat really good. I didn't get think it would be close to being a cat..a lady friend yea possibly but a cat? now thats a good poem!

Jessica Marie said...

this poem is soo beautiful. i would love to hear more of what you think of them though.
what do you think about when you read this?
other than a cat does it bring up any other emotions for you?

KweenEmily said...

the emotions i felt when reading this was a sense of a love poem. i could picture every line that the poet wrote. it started off as a romantic poem to be and still is but just about the cat. i love the poets use of description towards the cat. very clever.